Can I cancel my Savage X Rewards Membership anytime?

As a Rewards Member, there is no minimum number of months you must commit to and there's no obligation to buy!

Every month, you have the freedom to unlock more rewards for £49.95 (£39.95 for selected VIP members who signed up after 18/03/2022) or ‘Skip The Month’ between the 1st and 5th to avoid the charge on the 6th. ‘Skip’ as often as you like - there's no limit.

You can cancel your Savage X Rewards Membership by contacting us via phone or live chat. You can also send us a letter to Savage X Ltd., 25 Wilton Road, London SW1V 1LW, and cancel your VIP membership. If you cancel your Membership, any unused Member Credits will remain in your account, so you can come back and redeem them at any time.

The monthly charge for Savage X Rewards Membership is nonrefundable and there are no refunds for unused Member Credits.


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